Chair & Trustees


Goudhurst Village Pre-School is set up as a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation), we are registered by Ofsted and are a member of the Pre-School Learning Alliance. The CIO structure forgoes the need for a committee comprised of parents that sometimes have difficulty in finding spare time and often, understandably, relinquish their responsibilities once their child has left the setting.

Instead we have a small yet dedicated team of trustees who work together with the staff to ensure the interests of the children and parents are always met.

Chair & Trustees

Leela Lamont – Trustee

Leela lives in Goudhurst and has three children, two of which are, or have been, at the pre-school, and a puppy. Other than her role as a mother she is a freelance financial communications consultant, an area she has worked in for the past 15 years. Prior to that she was a corporate banker. She is a great champion of the pre-school and is grateful for the opportunity to support the group in this role. 

Harriet Roberts – Trustee

I am Harriet. I live in Goudhurst and have two children, one of whom attends the pre school. My professional background is in women’s health with a special interest in governance and risk management. I am currently training for a certificate in Horticulture. I am very proud to be a trustee of the pre school and part of such an important aspect of the village.

Araminta Meade – Trustee




We do of course take parents’ opinion and feedback on how the provision operates very seriously. We also welcome and encourage parents to get involved as part of our fundraising efforts.

The day-to-day running of the pre-school is undertaken by our Manager, Mrs. Jo Galloway who is responsible for planning and running the sessions and looking after the children’s learning and development as set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage EYFS. The children’s key workers all report to her.

We also welcome parent helpers, community volunteers and childcare students at our sessions to help us give all the children lots of time and individual attention.